My name is Nicolaas Maritz, and I’d like to introduce myself. My creative adventure began in 2002, when I relocated from the city to this farm in the Cradle of Humankind, near Kromdraai, South Africa.
As I became more comfortable in my surroundings, it motivated me to seek a deeper connection. I gradually began to create, and at times I felt as if time had stopped.
I formed a strong connection with crystals and began to harness their energy to create healing and energy tools; copper increases and concentrates the energy.
Quartz crystals have a frequency that I prefer. It was then that I discovered a deeper spiritual connection with sacred geometry, feeling that it has the formula that makes sense in my sculptures. I have never studied art before in any formal way. This new-found talent lifted me up. The sculptures became an extension of me, and a new journey started. I made a deep spiritual connection with my new reality. In developing a passion for geometrical shapes, my inspiration was born to express these sacred shapes into sculptures. As the first sculptures evolved, a technique came to me to photograph the sculptures in the dark, where the electro magnetic field can be photographed and then digitally reworked into “stereogram” prints. The photo prints of the sculptures have a cosmic deep space feeling, as if they are visible from another dimension when looking at them with blue-red anaglyph glasses. For these, I create images that are hidden in the photo prints for a “third eye” spiritual experience.